Weight Loss

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Letter to Clothing Designers

Dear Clothing Designers,

Hello. I am overweight and trying to rectify that situation. I appreciate the fact that you exist so that I do not have to sew my own clothes each time I reach a new size. That would be incredibly annoying and time consuming, so thank you.

I do have one complaint, though. You see, I know that I cannot be any less than a size 12 at the moment. However, when I went into a store to purchase some capris for the beach, I found the size 12s to be too big. Now, I know that I could not have magically lost enough weight to fit into a size smaller than a 12 between the time I got up that morning and the time when I entered the dressing room to try on the capris. So, the only conclusion I can reach about suddenly finding myself a full size smaller than I thought is that there must be something wonky with the sizing.

Then I remembered an article I read in a magazine. The article was about vanity sizing. So, I had to conclude that my sudden loss of a full pant size was due to the feeble attempt to stroke my ego so that I would be happier and, perhaps, buy more clothes. Well, thank you, but no thank you. I do not need any ego-stroking. Believe it or not, my self respect does not depend on what size of clothing I wear. I know that is difficult for you to hear, but it's true. Please remember during your shock that the truth is really the best thing all around.

I will conclude with a simple request: Please set up a meeting for all clothing designers who have a line in the United States. When all the representatives arrive, please make sure they have all seen this letter and recovered from the shock. I don't want anyone going away with nightmares because of the knowledge that my (and many other women's) self esteem does not depend on their clothing size. Once everyone has heard or read and digested the information, please begin to come up with a set of measurements that everyone is happy with for the various sizes and styles.

I know I am asking a lot for each designer to give up some of their individuality and the idea that they are helping women by telling us we are smaller than we actually are. However, it would make things so much simpler. Imagine, if you will, a world where every woman knows exactly what size she is. She could walk into a store, find what she needs, buy it, and skip the dressing room altogether. This would leave more time for her to spend with her family, her friends, or at work, making more money to spend on more of your clothes. Wouldn't that be a wonderful place to live?

Please take this suggestion to heart. I would love for my closet to be filled with clothes that embrace me and my true size, rather than mock me and tell me I can't handle the truth of my real size.

Most Sincerely,

1 comment:

Ross said...

Good for you, K8E. You tell them.