Weight Loss

Monday, June 23, 2008

Feeling Better

I'm feeling better about the diet again. I've lost a little bit more, and that always helps to re-motivate me. I also got some rest this weekend and that helped. Sometimes I think I'm not eating enough calories to allow me to do all the things I do without feeling over-tired and dragged down. So I ate a few more calories this weekend. I think I'm going to continue with that pattern. I'll eat no more than 1200 (and no less), and then on the weekends I'll bump it to 1500.

I hope to get a doctor's appt sometime this week or next to speak with her about the HcG diet or another appetite suppresant. I hope that if I'm not as hungry then I won't have as many mood problems. I'm also going to try to get some Sam-E supplements to help out with my moodiness.

1 comment:

Gucci Mama said...

Dear K8E's Husband,
Clearly, we need to talk. K8E informs me that while you are on the whole kid bandwagon, you want a paltry two children. TWO? Where's your sense of adventure? I mean, really, the smallest number to start with that makes sense is four. Let's talk a little turkey here. Say you have a baby. We'll let that baby be a boy. Well, he'll want a brother because, ah, what boy would not? So that takes care of your boys, but what of your wife? Every woman wants a daughter, and then of course said daughter will require a sister. Quite frankly, two boys and two girls is just the bare minimum. And if you are fine with the bare minimum, then *OK*, but some people choose to do more, and I encourage that. This plan benefits your wife in myriad ways. 1. She has four children (at least). Benefits of number one are largely self-explanatory. 2. She, by virtue of HAVING FOUR KIDS, will require a bigger house. 3. That big house is difficult to clean, what with four children to chase around, so you'll agree with me that she needs some sort of household assistance, whether it be a Merry Maid, a Kitchen Cleaner, or a Tiffany Toilet. 4. You have several children to take care of you in your dotage. 5. By having four kids, you increase your odds that one of the will become rich and famous, thereby purchasing for you a beach side mansion in Malibu. K8E's Husband, I am certain that even if we do not now, we will soon see eye to eye. We both have your wife's best interests at heart, don't we? Of course we do. And trust me, if mama's not happy, NOBODY'S HAPPY.

Gucci Mama